
Thank you for visiting the Ad Anchors website.

Ad Anchors is committed to helping business owners manage their advertising/marketing while they can concentrate on running their business. Using television, radio, print or digital platforms, Ad Anchors has developed over 15 years worth of partnerships with all the major networks/publishers. This gives your business a neutrally objective account of which RFP is the most cost effective and efficient!

Ad Anchors is also partnered with a global location data management leader, and our mission is to help people go places, particularly YOUR BUSINESS! The award-winning Location Management Platform enables Ad Anchors to manage your companies’ data across websites, mobile apps, and the industry’s largest ecosystem of maps, apps, social networks, directories, and search engines including Google, You Tube, Facebook, Bing and Yahoo to name a few.

Try our business listing SCAN tool, it will show you how your business’s digital profile lists among the most relevant internet search engines!

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